The best
In You
A 360-degree experience to provide you with the best service. Contact us at +212 6 05 16 42 04 for more information.
Delivery and return policy in Casablanca, Morocco
We deliver to the areas of Petit Casablanca at 20 DH ($1.92) the same day or the next day.
The Bouskoura and Dar Bouazza areas are delivered at 40 DH ($3.83).
Payment is on delivery.
Returns are made within a period of one week.
The costs are our responsibility if the error is our responsibility, otherwise are the customer's responsibility.
Delivery and return policy Outside Casablanca, Morocco
We deliver to areas outside Casablanca at 55 DH ($5.27) between 1 and 3 days.
Payment is on delivery if the items are not personalized.
Payment is in advance via wire transfer/bank remittance/Paypal if the items are personalized.
Returns are made within a period of one week.
The costs are our responsibility if the error is our responsibility, otherwise are the customer's responsibility.
Contact us at +212 6 05 16 42 04
Bank detailss:
Bank details: 230 780 4670723221010700 01
Account number: 4670723221010700
bot workshop
Delivery and return policy in Ivory Coast / Senegal
We deliver to Ivory Coast and Senegal in 3 and 6 days for 7000 FCFA ($11.35) or in 16-22 days for 3200 FCFA ($5.19)
A payment of at least half of the total amount is required in advance via Mobile Money (Orange Money or Wave)
OM number: +225 07 07 93 13 00
Wave number: +225 05 06 71 42 73
Returns are made within a period of one week.
The costs are our responsibility if the error is our responsibility, otherwise are the customer's responsibility.
International delivery and return policy
We deliver internationally from $10 depending on the area.
Payment is made in advance via Paypal.
Returns are made within a period of one week.
The costs are our responsibility if the error is our responsibility, otherwise are the customer's responsibility.